26 November 2024
Organised by
RANZCP NT BranchPeople in the criminal justice system frequently have backgrounds of significant trauma and social disadvantage. A health-led response is critical and requires targeted efforts toward prevention, early intervention, diversion, reforming models of healthcare delivery, and investing in community-based services.
The presentations and discussions highlight the need to translate advocacy efforts into action and partnerships to drive real change. You will hear support for the ongoing development of an intersectoral, interdisciplinary approach that provides Government with evidence-based advice on how to prevent crime and prevent recidivism, rather than simply punish.
There is also a consistent nod to the necessity of Territory and Federal collaboration for the long-term success of any investments or reforms in this area.
Speakers include:
- Mr John B Lawrence SC, Barrister
- Dr Sarah Dorrington, Consultant Forensic Psychiatrist
- Dr Petra Melis-Walsh, Advanced Trainee Paediatrician
- Mr Lachlan Rowe, Disability Advocate, RANZCP NT Branch Committee member
This session is a Member benefit of the RANZCP and for educational purposes only. The information may represent views of the author and not necessarily the views of the College. Information is subject to change and the College does not warrant that the information is current at the time of viewing and accepts no liability for any loss or damage suffered by you or a patient directly or indirectly as a result of relying on information provided and should not be a substitute for individual clinical judgement. By accessing this video you also agree to the RANZCP Website Terms of Use Agreement.