28 February 2023
Major mental illnesses can happen to anyone at any time. Doctors and medical students are just as likely to experience psychosis or mania as anyone else. What should they do if they experience psychotic symptoms? What does this mean for them and their practice? How does it affect them personally and existentially? And as the treating doctor, how should you respond to a patient who is a doctor with a major mental illness? This webinar will address these questions and more as we look to better understand health professional patients who experience psychosis or mania. We will begin with an introduction to psychosis and mania followed by lived experience stories from doctors, and finally open discussion.
- Dr Israel Berger (Psychiatry registrar with lived experience of PTSD and depression with psychotic features)
- Dr Sabrina Ritom Davidson (Psychiatry registrar with lived experience of psychotic illness)
- Dr Monica Vogiatzis (Psychiatry registrar with lived experience of BPAD1)
- “Dr Anthe van Koch” (Resident medical officer with lived experience of bipolar)
- Dr Kym Jenkins (General Psychiatrist)
- Dr Maureen Krasnoff
This session is a Member benefit of the RANZCP and for educational purposes only. The information may represent views of the author and not necessarily the views of the College. Information is subject to change and the College does not warrant that the information is current at the time of viewing and accepts no liability for any loss or damage suffered by you or a patient directly or indirectly as a result of relying on information provided and should not be a substitute for individual clinical judgement. By accessing e-learning sessions you also agree to the RANZCP Website Terms of Use Agreement.