Bi-national Committee for Trainees
Nominations are now open for the following position(s) on the Bi-national Committee for Trainees:
- 1 x Deputy Chair (resides in New Zealand)
- 1 x Jurisdictional Member for New Zealand
- 1 x Jurisdictional Member for Australian Capital Territory
- 1 x Jurisdictional Member for New South Wales
- 1 x Jurisdictional Member for Queensland
- 1 x Jurisdictional Member for South Australia
- 1 x Jurisdictional Member for Western Australia
Further information about the role and responsibilities of the Committee can be found on the Bi-national Committee for Trainees webpage.
Please submit Nominations via the link below. The Nomination period will remain open for a period of three (3) weeks and close at 5:00pm on Monday 31 March 2025.
Selection criteria
Deputy Chair
- An Associate (Trainee) of the RANZCP with ideally at least one (1) year experience on the Committee.
- Have a commitment to the professional development of psychiatry, including the improvement of training and examination processes of the RANZCP.
- Hold respect of peers, with demonstrable excellence in psychiatric practice (as outlined in a curriculum vitae).
- An ability to contribute to policy development and organisational decision making.
Jurisdictional Member
Be An Associate (Trainee) of the RANZCP.
Be from the respective State, Territory or New Zealand jurisdiction which they are nominating for.
- Have a commitment to the professional development of psychiatry, including the improvement of training and examination processes of the RANZCP.
- Hold respect of peers, with demonstrable excellence in psychiatric practice (as outlined in a curriculum vitae).
Please note:
- Trainees who are on a break-in-training for the duration of their term are not eligible for membership of the BCT unless they have significant experience within training.
- Where possible, the appointment process on the BCT shall give due recognition to ensuring the adequacy of diversity and gender balance. Ideally, all stages of training and settings should be captured within the membership of the BCT.
- All nominees must be prepared to participate on the Committee for a minimum of one year.