Clinical guidelines & publications library


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Showing 1-6 of 6
  • Deep sleep therapy

    Historical practices

    Deep sleep therapy has no place in the treatment of psychiatric illness. It has not been demonstrated to be an effective treatment for any psychiatric condition and has unacceptably high morbidity and mortality rates. 

    Position statement
    • Last updated: Feb 2018
    • Published in Australia
    • PS #34
  • Implementation of Puretumu Torowhānui Lake Alice Redress Scheme

    Historical practices

    RANZCP letter to the NZ Government supporting the planned Redress Scheme for the survivors of Lake Alice. PDF Submission

    • Last updated: Mar 2024
    • Published in Aotearoa New Zealand
  • Neurosurgery for mental disorders

    Historical practices, Professionalism

    Position Statement 29: Neurosurgery for mental disorders has been rescinded pending review.

    Position statement
    • Last updated: Oct 2009
    • Published in Australia
    • PS #29
    • Rescinded
  • Inquiry into Responses to Historical Forced Adoptions in Victoria

    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, Historical practices

    Victorian Branch submission to the Legislative Council, Legal and Social Issues Committee PDF Submission

    • Last updated: Jan 2020
    • Published in Victoria
  • Acknowledging and learning from past mental health practices

    Culturally safe practice, Historical practices, Professionalism

    In the past, some psychiatric treatments were provided without an evidence base. Certain treatments were ineffective, harmful or distressing to patients.

    Position statement
    • Last updated: Mar 2016
    • Published in Australia
    • PS #84
  • Sexual orientation change efforts

    Ethics, Historical practices, Professionalism

    The RANZCP does not support the use of sexual orientation change efforts of any kind. There is no scientific evidence that sexual orientation can be changed. Sexual orientation change efforts risk causing significant harm to individuals.

    Position statement
    • Last updated: Mar 2019
    • Published in Australia
    • PS #60