Survey report private practice psychiatrists 2024
Last updated: Mar 2025
Published in Australia and New Zealand
This brief report explores findings from the Section of Private Practice Psychiatry’s survey of private sector psychiatrists in Q4, 2024.
We are grateful for the 295 respondents who gave their time to provide frontline insight on current challenges, opportunities, priorities, and risks for private psychiatry.
Key findings:
- Professional over-exertion, burnout, and isolation were common experiences. Many respondents reported significant service demands, acute and complex clinical case management. Issues regarding professional demands and their personal impact on wellbeing were the most common cited area of risk for the sector.
- Many respondents reported systemic and administrative pressures, and perceived existing cost structures to be averse to patient, provider, or both. These challenges emerged as the single most cited area of risk and priority action.
- The need for better integration of trainees in private was the second most common theme for priority action. Few respondents reported supervision of trainees, with cost-related issues being the most commonly reported barrier among those who did.
These findings, along with further surveys in 2025, will provide essential insight for collaborating with government and other key stakeholders to support private psychiatrists as they work to meet growing mental health care needs within our communities.