PIF Application Form for Medical Student

My Details

First name
Last name
Date of birth
Mobile number
Personal email address
Student email address
Preferred email address
Cultural identity
By choosing to respond to this voluntary question, you will assist with the College's commitment to improving the mental health of communities and to enhancing support for our workforce. Click here for more information.
Rural Background
Finding out more about where in Australia and/or Aotearoa New Zealand you are originally from helps PIF to be a part of efforts to address workforce shortages in rural areas. Please answer the next question as accurately as you can.
Have you ever lived in a rural location in Australia or Aotearoa New Zealand?

Check the Modified Monash Model (2019) classification of where you lived here (opens in new tab). Under "Classification Filter", select "Modified Monash Model", select the year 2019, and enter your residential address.

Before entering medical school in Australia, did any of the following apply to you?

Before entering medical school in Aotearoa New Zealand, did any of the following apply to you?
