
Showing 180 - 191 of 354

01 August 2023
We welcome Dr Ava Carter as the Appointed Trainee Board Director

We would like to welcome Dr Ava Carter as the Appointed Trainee Board Director, and the chair of the...

01 August 2023
Options for trainees to provide feedback

Trainees are strongly encouraged to provide feedback regarding an inadequate post so that concerns c...

28 July 2023
President's Column July 2023

An update from RANZCP President, Dr Elizabeth Moore, on College activities, achievements and news.

24 July 2023
RANZCP Program of Assessments – recording of Congress presentation now available

A recording of the College’s symposium presentation on Transformation in Assessments: what does the ...

24 July 2023
CPD opportunity – become a Scholarly Project examiner

Examiners can earn CPD points for preparation and calibration sessions.

24 July 2023
Tasmania Branch hosts renowned Travelling Scholar, Professor Perminder Sachdev

The Tasmania Branch would like to thank Scientia Professor Perminder Sachdev, our 2023 Travelling Sc...

24 July 2023
RANZCP Diploma of Psychiatry - upcoming consultation

The RANZCP continues the development of the Diploma of Psychiatry and will be consulting with member...

24 July 2023
New reforms in Australian health regulation

Fifteen new reforms came into effect on 15 May and aim to strengthen public protection.

24 July 2023
Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) case conferences (Australia)

Psychiatrists can now access new MBS item numbers for mental health case conferences under Better Ac...

24 July 2023
Plaintiff “rights to record” medico-legal assessments considered in NSW

The NSW Court of Appeal has confirmed that plaintiffs do not have a “right to record” assessments ca...

19 July 2023
Psychiatry Interest Forum (PIF) program at 2023 Congress

Each year at Congress, PIF delivers a tailored concurrent program for its members, providing valuabl...

12 July 2023
Opioid dependence treatment medicines (Australia) – changes to access from 1 July 2023

In Australia, access to opioid dependence treatment (ODT) is changing.