President's Column September 2024

In these turbulent times, when many of our members, their families and patients are being impacted by conflicts around the world – as well as issues in Australia and New Zealand – I am reminded of the importance of kindness and thoughtfulness in our interactions. Let us support one another and engage in respectful, professional dialogue, especially when we encounter passionately-held views that may differ from our own.

Thank you to all those who expressed interest in the Board casual vacancy; it was a very competitive field. I am pleased to welcome Professor Richard Newton to the RANZCP Board. He has commenced his 8-month term which will conclude in May 2025. Professor Newton brings a wealth of experience and expertise, and his contributions will be invaluable in guiding our strategic direction. I look forward to working with him over the coming months. 

On the media front, veterans’ mental health has been in the spotlight following the release of the Australian Royal Commission's report into Defence and Veteran Suicide. The College welcomes the release of this report and has called for an independent body to oversee the implementation of the recommendations made by the Royal Commission. We will continue to advocate for transparency, accountability, and sustained focus on the mental health challenges faced by veterans. 

The Education Committee has approved the extension of two key implementation timelines: the Independent Observed Clinical Activity date has changed from November 2024 to August 2025, and the launch of the Clinical Competency Portfolio Review to August 2026. This will help us develop quality training resources to support supervisors, and better communicate the changes and assist trainees, SIMGs, supervisors and health services with the transition. The change has been made following consultation with trainees and key committees. Further information is available on the College website. 

We are making good progress to meet the next key milestone of the Australian Medical Council accreditation cycle, with the 2024 annual monitoring submission being finalised. There has been substantial work to meet conditions relating to trainee communication and engagement, reform of assessments and cultural safety. Following the submission, which is due on Friday 25 October, the 2024 progress report will be made available on the accreditation webpage

As I recently informed members, Sharon McGowan will be stepping down as CEO of the College in February 2025 to pursue the next chapter in her career. During her time at the helm, Sharon has overseen the development of our Lived Experience Strategy, the engagement of our inaugural cultural advisors, and the launch of our latest Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan. In 2025, the RANZCP Board will commence work on a new 3-year strategic plan with workforce development and support as its key priority. Sharon will continue to work closely with the Board over the next few months to ensure a smooth transition to the next CEO. I will keep members updated as the recruitment process progresses.  

A reminder that the 2025 RANZCP awards program is currently open and will close on 31 October. If you know of any outstanding members whose achievements deserve recognition – or if you'd like to celebrate your own accomplishments – do consider nominating for a RANZCP award.

And lastly, next week on 10 October is World Mental health day and the theme for this year is It is Time to Prioritize Mental Health in the Workplace. Each of us can play a role in advocating for policies and practices that foster mental wellbeing and create supportive cultures in our workplaces. The RANZCP has a number of support options for members facing personal or professional challenges, and I encourage you to seek help when you need it.

Dr Elizabeth Moore
RANZCP President


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