New restrictions on the size and sale of paracetamol products

The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) have announced their final decision to reduce the maximum size of packs for various paracetamol products. From 1 February 2025, there will be new restrictions on the size, packaging, and sale of paracetamol products. These include:

  • Reducing the maximum size of packs available for general sale.
  • Reducing the maximum size of ‘Pharmacy Only’ packs without the supervision of a pharmacist.
  • Making pack sizes of up to 100 tablets or capsules available only under the supervision of a pharmacist (‘Pharmacist Only’ medicines).

The College had previously provided a submission on the TGA’s proposed amendments to the Poisons Standard relating to paracetamol, in consultation with various College committees.

Questions can be directed to the TGA via their website.


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