2024 Elected Director Election

Nominations to fill the five Elected Director positions on the RANZCP Board closed on 15 February 2024. Candidates will be announced to the membership on Tuesday 5 March 2024, at which time campaigning will also commence. 

Election campaigning should be undertaken in accordance with the Board Election Campaign Activities Policy. All members and candidates are reminded that any campaigning or communication regarding the election and candidates is respectful of member privacy and individual wishes. The College has recently released the RANZCP and social media – Guideline for members, which provides guidance on appropriate standards of behaviour and professionalism when using social media.

The College has engaged CorpVote as the election provider. Voting by the Fellowship will commence on 15 March 2024 and further information will be provided by the College and CorpVote to Fellows closer to that date.

If you have a general enquiry regarding the election process, please contact the RANZCP via email board.elections@ranzcp.org.


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