Tracy Haitana



Dr Tracy Haitana

Dr Tracy Haitana (Te Āti Haunui-a-Pāpārangi, Ngāti Tūwharetoa) is a registered clinical psychologist, Kaupapa Māori researcher, and senior lecturer with the Department of MIHI, Ōtakou Whakaihu Waka ki Ōtautahi. Tracy’s PhD drew on the expertise of Māori patients diagnosed with bipolar disorder and their whānau to critically examine the need for change at the clinical, structural, and organisational level of healthcare in Aotearoa to achieve health equity. Tracy teaches hauora Māori competencies into the undergraduate medical curriculum, and in postgraduate health professional training. Tracy remains engaged in clinical mahi and clinical supervision with expertise in medico-legal fields of work.

Dr Tracy Haitana (Te Āti Haunui-a-Pāpārangi, Ngāti Tūwharetoa) is a registered clinical psychologist, Kaupapa Māori researcher, and senior lecturer with the Department of MIHI, Ōtakou Whakaihu Waka ki Ōtautahi. Tracy’s PhD drew on the expertise of Māori patients diagnosed with bipolar disorder and their whānau to critically examine the need for change at the clinical, structural, and organisational level of healthcare in Aotearoa to achieve health equity. Tracy teaches hauora Māori competencies into the undergraduate medical curriculum, and in postgraduate health professional training. Tracy remains engaged in clinical mahi and clinical supervision with expertise in medico-legal fields of work.

Last updated 09 May 2024