September 2023 MCQ examination applications

Candidates applying for the upcoming September 2023 MCQ Examination must complete and submit applications via InTrain. 

You must have a minimum of 6 FTE months completed on your training record to be eligible to sit. 

As applications are processed, the candidate’s InTrain dashboard will display messages, which applicants must address to complete the application process.

Once an application is 'approved' by the College, payment must be made as soon as possible.

Please read the 'How trainees/candidates can submit their MCQ application' and the 'How trainees and candidates proceed with exam application payment' guides within the InTrain 'Need help?' tab on the right of the Intrain window for further instructions.

Applications open on Monday 19 June and close at 5:00 pm (AEST) Friday 7 July 2023. No late applications will be accepted.

Please note all candidates should refer to the College’s Fees which are applicable to all assessments and examinations.

Please note Special consideration applications must be made at the time of application. Applicants requesting special consideration to sit any of the summative assessments must apply in writing to the Committee for Examinations (CFE), in accordance with Requesting special consideration.

Email: if you have any queries.


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