Clinical guidelines & publications library


Publication type
Showing 1-20 of 64
  • Recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the Australian Constitution

    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, Culturally safe practice

    The RANZCP calls for reform of the Australian Constitution to support the mental health and human rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

    Position statement
    • Last updated: Apr 2023
    • Published in Australia
    • PS #68
  • Cultural safety

    Addressing health inequities, Culturally safe practice

    This position statement advocates for universal cultural safety in mental health systems, services, and care.

    Position statement
    • Last updated: Dec 2021
    • Published in Australia
    • PS #105
  • Recognising the significance of Te Tiriti o Waitangi

    Culturally safe practice, Māori

    This position statement aims to describe Te Tiriti within the context of improving hauora Māori (Māori health) and steps the RANZCP is taking to meet its responsibilities under Te Tiriti.

    Position statement
    • Last updated: Feb 2022
    • Published in New Zealand
    • PS #107
  • hereco RANZCP Clinical Practice Guidelines Evaluation

    Culturally safe practice, Professionalism

    The RANZCP commissioned Health Research Consulting (hereco) to develop this report outlining options for supporting high quality clinical practice guideline development for psychiatry in Australia and New Zealand. PDF Report

    • Last updated: Nov 2023
    • Published in Australia
  • Acknowledging and learning from past mental health practices

    Addressing health inequities, Culturally safe practice, Historical practices, Professionalism

    In the past, some psychiatric treatments were provided without an evidence base. Certain treatments were ineffective, harmful or distressing to patients.

    Position statement
    • Last updated: Mar 2016
    • Published in Australia
    • PS #84
  • Acknowledging the Stolen generations

    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, Addressing health inequities, Culturally safe practice, Professionalism

    The forced removal of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children from their families continues to affect the health and social wellbeing of communities and families.

    Position statement
    • Last updated: Dec 2020
    • Published in Australia
    • PS#42
    • Current
  • Anxiety disorders: CPG and associated resources

    Addressing health inequities, Anxiety disorders, Culturally safe practice, Professionalism

    Guidance on the clinical management of anxiety disorders, specifically focusing on diagnosis and treatment strategies. PDF Clinical guideline

    Clinical guideline
    • Last updated: Jun 2018
    • Published in Australia
    • Current
  • Addressing the mental health impacts of natural disasters and climate change-related weather events

    Addressing health inequities, Culturally safe practice, Natural disasters & emergencies, Professionalism

    Natural disasters and weather events can lead to a wide range of health effects, including mental health problems. Psychiatrists have important roles in disaster planning and response.

    Position statement
    • Last updated: Jan 2020
    • Published in Australia
    • PS #35
  • ADHD across the lifespan

    ADHD, Culturally safe practice, Professionalism

    Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a major mental disorder. This statement presents principles to develop a more appropriate, accessible, equitable health system that caters for the needs of people with ADHD across their lifespan.

    Position statement
    • Last updated: Mar 2023
    • Published in Australia
    • PS #55
  • Benefits of e-mental health treatments and interventions

    Addressing health inequities, Culturally safe practice, E-mental health, Professionalism

    E-mental health tools may provide affordable and equitable access to complementary forms of care and support but also bring challenges.

    Position statement
    • Last updated: Oct 2023
    • Published in Australia
    • PS #98
  • Diagnostic manuals

    Culturally safe practice, Diagnostic manuals, Ethics, Professionalism

    Diagnostic manuals allow clinicians, teachers and researchers to ensure consistency in diagnosis. However, the complexity of patients’ presentations often do not fit neatly into diagnostic categories.

    Position statement
    • Last updated: Sep 2022
    • Published in Australia
    • PS #77
  • Involuntary mental health treatment in custody

    Culturally safe practice, Ethics, Seclusion and restraint

    Involuntary mental health treatment in custodial settings compromises clinical care, encourages inappropriate management of prisoners, and breaches human rights.

    Position statement
    • Last updated: Nov 2017
    • Published in Australia
    • PS #93
  • Pacific Mental Health in Aotearoa New Zealand

    Culturally safe practice, Ethics, Families, whānau & carers, Professionalism

    The position statement identifies RANZCP’s commitment to improving Pacific mental health and providing effective health care that meets the specific cultural needs of Pacific populations.

    Position statement
    • Last updated: Jul 2022
    • Published in Aotearoa NZ
    • PS #108
  • Partnering with people with lived experience

    Asylum seekers and refugees, Collaborative care, Culturally safe practice, Professionalism

    This position statement has been co-produced by those with lived experience of a mental health condition and psychiatrists.

    Position statement
    • Last updated: Sep 2021
    • Published in Australia
    • PS #62
  • Perinatal mental health services

    Addressing health inequities, Culturally safe practice, Perinatal, Professionalism

    This position statement outlines requirements for effective perinatal mental health services for parents, their babies and families.

    Position statement
    • Last updated: Oct 2021
    • Published in Australia
    • PS #57
  • The contribution to practice made by psychiatrists who have a personal experience of mental illness

    Collaborative care, Culturally safe practice, Professionalism

    Many people, including doctors and other health professionals, experience mental health problems at some point in their lives. The RANZCP acknowledges the contribution of psychiatrists with personal experience of mental illness.

    Position statement
    • Last updated: Nov 2016
    • Published in Australia
    • PS #85
  • Psychiatry services for older people

    Addressing health inequities, Culturally safe practice, Old age, Professionalism

    The RANZCP recognises the importance of a holistic, age and culturally appropriate approach to addressing mental illness in older people, informed by the principles of recovery, independence, dignity and quality of life.

    Position statement
    • Last updated: Nov 2019
    • Published in Australia
    • PS #22
  • Suicide prevention – the role of psychiatry

    Culturally safe practice, Ethics, Professionalism, Suicide

    The RANZCP is committed to supporting people in suicidal distress and working with governments and communities to prevent suicides.

    Position statement
    • Last updated: Dec 2020
    • Published in Australia
    • PS #101
  • Trauma-informed practice

    Culturally safe practice, Professionalism, Trauma

    Trauma-informed practice is an evolving concept which emphasises that trauma is a possibility in the lives of all individuals and communities.

    Position statement
    • Last updated: Nov 2020
    • Published in Australia
    • PS #100
  • Eating disorders CPG and associated resources

    Addressing health inequities, Culturally safe practice, Eating disorders, Ethics

    Guidance on the clinical treatment of people with anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder and ARFID. PDF Clinical guideline

    Clinical guideline
    • Last updated: Nov 2014
    • Published in Australia