Clinical guidelines & publications library


Publication type
Showing 221-240 of 292
  • The role of the child and adolescent psychiatrist

    Addressing health inequities, Children & adolescents, Culturally safe practice, Ethics, Professionalism

    Guidance about the role of child and adolescent psychiatrists, and how they can best meet the mental health needs of young people and their families. PDF Clinical guideline

    Clinical guideline
    • Last updated: Nov 2018
    • Published in Australia
    • PPG #15
  • Abolition of torture and other inhuman treatment

    Ethics, Professionalism, Trauma

    Our commitment to the abolition of torture, and to researching and providing effective, evidence-based rehabilitative and therapeutic treatments to survivors.

    Position statement
    • Last updated: Nov 2018
    • Published in Australia
    • PS #32
  • Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

    Electroconvulsive therapy & neurostimulation, Professionalism

    Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) is an effective treatment for major depressive disorders. It involves the focal application of a localised, pulsed magnetic field to the cerebral cortex, inducing small electrical currents which stimulate nerve cells.

    Position statement
    • Last updated: Nov 2018
    • Published in Australia
    • PS #79
  • RANZCP Code of Ethics

    Ethics, Professionalism

    PDF Ethics and conduct

    Ethics and conduct
    • Last updated: Nov 2018
    • Published in Australia
    • Current
  • Mental health and HIV/AIDS

    Ethics, Professionalism

    People who have human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and/or acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) can have unique mental health needs both due to the infection itself and the experience of anxiety and depression that can be associated with the condition.

    Position statement
    • Last updated: Aug 2018
    • Published in Australia
    • PS #38
  • Pharmacogenetics in healthcare

    Addressing health inequities, Culturally safe practice, Ethics, Genetic testing, Professionalism

    The RANZCP has endorsed this guideline produced by the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia. URL Clinical guideline

    Clinical guideline
    • Last updated: Jul 2018
    • Published in Australia
    • Endorsed external guidance
  • Anxiety disorders: CPG and associated resources

    Addressing health inequities, Anxiety disorders, Culturally safe practice, Professionalism

    Guidance on the clinical management of anxiety disorders, specifically focusing on diagnosis and treatment strategies. PDF Clinical guideline

    Clinical guideline
    • Last updated: Jun 2018
    • Published in Australia
    • Current
  • The relevance of religion and spirituality to psychiatric practice

    Addressing health inequities, Collaborative care, Ethics

    This position statement provides guidance to psychiatrists on how consideration of religion and/or spirituality can improve outcomes for people living with mental illness.

    Position statement
    • Last updated: Jun 2018
    • Published in Australia
    • PS #96
  • Enabling supported decision making

    Addressing health inequities, Collaborative care, Culturally safe practice, Families, whānau & carers, Professionalism

    This paper aims to influence the increased uptake and future embedding of Supported Decision Making in clinical practice by psychiatrists working in the Victorian Mental Health Service. PDF Position statement

    Position statement
    • Last updated: May 2018
    • Published in Victoria
  • Electronic monitoring of people utilising forensic mental health services

    Ethics, Forensic

    The RANZCP is concerned about the coercive use of electronic monitoring on forensic patients. 

    Position statement
    • Last updated: May 2018
    • Published in Australia
    • PS #95
  • The impact of media and digital technology on children and adolescents

    Children & adolescents, E-mental health, Professionalism

    This position statement seeks to identify the many positive benefits of media and digital technology for children and adolescents, but also recognises areas of concern.

    Position statement
    • Last updated: May 2018
    • Published in Australia
    • PS #72
  • Deep sleep therapy

    Historical practices

    Deep sleep therapy has no place in the treatment of psychiatric illness. It has not been demonstrated to be an effective treatment for any psychiatric condition and has unacceptably high morbidity and mortality rates. 

    Position statement
    • Last updated: Feb 2018
    • Published in Australia
    • PS #34
  • Mental health for the community

    Addressing health inequities, Collaborative care, Culturally safe practice, Ethics, Families, whānau & carers, Professionalism

    This document outlines principles that underpin the effective delivery of mental health services to the community.

    Position statement
    • Last updated: Feb 2018
    • Published in Australia
    • PS #73
  • De-prescribing cholinesterase inhibitors and memantine

    Addressing health inequities, Culturally safe practice, Dementia, Ethics, Professionalism

    The RANZCP has endorsed this guideline produced by the University of Sydney Cognitive Decline Partnership Centre. URL Clinical guideline

    Clinical guideline
    • Last updated: Feb 2018
    • Published in Australia
    • Endorsed external guidance
  • RANZCP NZ Submission to Justice Select Committee on End of Life Choice Bill

    Ethics, Voluntary assisted dying

    RANZCP NZ Submission to Justice Select Committee on End of Life Choice Bill

    • Last updated: Feb 2018
    • Published in Aotearoa New Zealand
  • Public insurance schemes: advocating for mental injury claimants

    Addressing health inequities, Insurance

    Aspects of personal injury and workers compensation schemes impose disadvantages on people with mental injuries, delaying recovery and compounding suffering.

    Position statement
    • Last updated: Dec 2017
    • Published in Australia
    • PS #94
  • Involuntary mental health treatment in custody

    Culturally safe practice, Ethics, Seclusion and restraint

    Involuntary mental health treatment in custodial settings compromises clinical care, encourages inappropriate management of prisoners, and breaches human rights.

    Position statement
    • Last updated: Nov 2017
    • Published in Australia
    • PS #93
  • Physical health

    Addressing health inequities, Physical health, Professionalism

    Aims to inform the development of policy and guidelines for the treatment, management and monitoring of the physical health of people with an enduring psychotic illness. PDF Clinical guideline

    Clinical guideline
    • Last updated: Oct 2017
    • Published in Australia
  • Problem gambling

    Addiction, Professionalism

    Problem gambling has a significant impact on vulnerable individuals, families and communities. The basis of any response to problem gambling must be a respect for the person, their behavioural disorder and its treatments.

    Position statement
    • Last updated: Sep 2017
    • Published in Australia
    • PS #45
  • Private health insurance policies for psychiatric care in Australia

    Insurance, Professionalism

    Position Statement 91: Private health insurance policies for psychiatric care in Australia has been rescinded pending further review.

    Position statement
    • Last updated: May 2017
    • Published in Australia
    • PS #91
    • Rescinded