Clinical guidelines & publications library


Publication type
Showing 201-220 of 292
  • Addressing the mental health impacts of natural disasters and climate change-related weather events

    Addressing health inequities, Culturally safe practice, Natural disasters & emergencies, Professionalism

    Natural disasters and weather events can lead to a wide range of health effects, including mental health problems. Psychiatrists have important roles in disaster planning and response.

    Position statement
    • Last updated: Jan 2020
    • Published in Australia
    • PS #35
  • Australia's Family Law System Enquiry

    RANZCP's submission into Australia's family law system.

    • Last updated: Dec 2019
    • Published in Australia
  • Psychiatry services for older people

    Addressing health inequities, Culturally safe practice, Old age, Professionalism

    The RANZCP recognises the importance of a holistic, age and culturally appropriate approach to addressing mental illness in older people, informed by the principles of recovery, independence, dignity and quality of life.

    Position statement
    • Last updated: Nov 2019
    • Published in Australia
    • PS #22
  • Use of benzodiazepines in psychiatric practice

    Benzodiazepines, Ethics, Professionalism

    The RANZCP has developed this guidance for clinicians considering pharmacological treatment using benzodiazepines. PDF Clinical guideline

    Clinical guideline
    • Last updated: Nov 2019
    • Published in Australia
    • PPG #5
  • Effective approaches to prevention, diagnosis and support for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder


    RANZCP submission to the Senate Standing Committees on Community Affairs on Effective approaches to prevention, diagnosis and support for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

    • Last updated: Nov 2019
    • Published in Australia
  • Review of the NDIS Act and the new NDIS Participant Service Guarantee


    RANZCP consultation on the review of the NDIS Act and the new NDIS Participant Service Guarantee.

    • Last updated: Oct 2019
    • Published in Australia
  • Māori Expanding Access and Choice’ (Kaupapa Māori Primary MHA)


    RANZCP Submission to Mental Health and Addiction Directorate, Ministry of Health on expanding access and choice for Kaupapa Māori primary mental health and addiction services. PDF Submission

    • Last updated: Oct 2019
    • Published in New Zealand
  • Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)

    Electroconvulsive therapy & neurostimulation, Ethics

    Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is a highly effective treatment with a strong evidence base, particularly for the treatment of severe depressive disorders.

    Position statement
    • Last updated: Oct 2019
    • Published in Australia
    • PS #74
  • Recognising and addressing the harmful mental health impacts of methamphetamine use

    Ethics, Illicit drugs, Professionalism

    Amphetamine-type substances can be associated with acute mental effects and result in long-term harm. Psychiatrists have a leadership role in coordinating approaches to methamphetamine use.

    Position statement
    • Last updated: Sep 2019
    • Published in Australia
    • PS #82
  • Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder

    Addiction, Addressing health inequities, Alcohol, Ethics, Perinatal, Professionalism

    The fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) hub Australia provides current and evidence-based information about FASD in Australia. URL Clinical guideline

    Clinical guideline
    • Last updated: Sep 2019
    • Published in Australia
    • Endorsed external guidance
  • Royal Commission into Victoria's Health System 2019

    Health service standards

    Victorian Branch submission to the Royal Commission into Victoria's Mental Health System 2019 PDF Submission

    • Last updated: Jul 2019
    • Published in Victoria
  • Child and adolescent psychiatry: meeting future workforce needs

    Children & adolescents, Culturally safe practice, Professionalism

    Informing psychiatrists, the medical profession and other health professionals, service providers, governments, and the Australian and New Zealand communities about child and adolescent psychiatry workforce. PDF Report

    • Last updated: Jun 2019
    • Published in Australia
  • Electroconvulsive therapy professional practice guideline

    Addressing health inequities, Culturally safe practice, Electroconvulsive therapy & neurostimulation, Ethics, Professionalism

    Key practice considerations are the combination of dosing, electrode placement, pulse width, session frequency, concomitant medication and anaesthetic approach. PDF Clinical guideline

    Clinical guideline
    • Last updated: Apr 2019
    • Published in Australia
  • Inquiry into aged care, end of life and palliative care, and voluntary assisted dying

    Ethics, Voluntary assisted dying

    RANZCP QLD Submission to Inquiry into aged care, end of life and palliative care, and voluntary assisted dying

    • Last updated: Apr 2019
    • Published in Queensland
  • Ethics and conduct
    • Last updated: Mar 2019
    • Published in Australia
    • EG #5
  • Guideline for safe care for patients sedated in health care facilities for acute behavioural disturbance


    This guideline sets the minimum safety standards required in caring for patients with ABD where sedation is used to control the behaviour. PDF Clinical guideline

    Clinical guideline
    • Last updated: Mar 2019
    • Published in Australia
    • Endorsed external guidance
  • Sexual orientation change efforts

    Addressing health inequities, Ethics, Historical practices, Professionalism

    The RANZCP does not support the use of sexual orientation change efforts of any kind. There is no scientific evidence that sexual orientation can be changed. Sexual orientation change efforts risk causing significant harm to individuals.

    Position statement
    • Last updated: Mar 2019
    • Published in Australia
    • PS #60
  • Australian Family Court proceedings

    Ethics, Forensic, Medico-legal, Professionalism

    Guidance to members about family court proceedings including custody issues, being an expert witness, testifying and reports. PDF Clinical guideline

    Clinical guideline
    • Last updated: Feb 2019
    • Published in Australia
    • PPG #3
  • Productivity Commission draft report on veterans’ compensation and rehabilitation inquiry.

    RANZCP Submission on veterans’ compensation and rehabilitation inquiry.

    • Last updated: Feb 2019
    • Published in Australia
  • Mental health needs of child asylum seekers and refugees

    Addressing health inequities, Asylum seekers and refugees, Children & adolescents

    This guideline was rescinded in April 2024.

    Position statement
    • Last updated: Nov 2018
    • Published in Australia
    • PS #52
    • Rescinded